Our Sustainability Mission
To lead the graphic arts industry in developing and maintaining "Sustainability Standards" that protect the Earth's natural resources.
To document and monitor our environmental footprint through a matrix of data tracking energy usage along with airborne emissions, solid waste production, and recycled product usage.
Environmental Initiatives
Reduction of Material Consumption: Paper/Plates/Proofs
Lean Sigma techniques
Plate-making and paper spoilage
Leed EB Building Enhancements
Advanced lighting systems use motion detectors to minimize electricity consumption.
Waste Management Processes
Waste Management processes 99% of all waste generated - both solid and liquid.
VOC Emissions
Reduction of VOC emissions, including use of custom inks and coatings.
Technology Investments
Latest sheetfed presses deliver significantly faster press make-readies and improved run consistency, reducing paper use in make-ready by 50% and reducing energy consumption by 30%.
Color management/GRACoL expertise assure quick proof-to-press performance to reduce material usage.
Closed-loop color systems on our presses assure consistency across the run and reduce use of paper and inks.
Virtual proofing solutions that replace hardcopy proofs reduce material usage by 80%.
Certifications & Partnerships
Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®)
FSC® sets global standards for responsible forest management in bio-geographic regions throughout the world. Its principles and criteria span economic, social and environmental concerns implemented through a variety of certifications. Nicholas Earth Printing is FSC certified.
Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI®)
SFI® promotes responsible forest management, as well as sustainable environmental, social, and economic interests. Its certification program supports forest conservation and protects water quality, biodiversity, and wildlife habitats.
Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC)
The PEFC Council is a global non-profit organization that promotes sustainably managed forests through independent third-party certification. The PEFC label assures purchasers of wood and paper products they are promoting the sustainable management of forests.